weekend wonderful...

hope you all enjoyed a pleasant weekend.
lots of sunshine and good times to be had.
we certainly enjoyed ourselves!
here is snip of all delightful things we shared over the weekend, from mums homemade apple pie & ice cream, bracing the chilly morning for dear septembers first stall at bondi's farmers markets, which went very well! we survived the morning with a hot cup of tea in the car (not ideal!) and lucky for my favourite vintage chinese style coat which some lovely person before me lined with pale pink sheepskin!
if you haven't been down to the bondi farmers markets already you really must! every saturday from 9-1pm. loads of freshly baked bread, handmade pasta, macarrons, bundles of flowers, gourmet food... which we certainly sampled... homemade apple & fig scones with hot organic coffee...mm mm deli sh!
enjoy the week ahead
C & L

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