woman of the month - feb

Cleopatra VII: Queen of the Nile
i thought we would get a little exotic this month! the only thing i knew about cleo previous to this was the liz taylor version!

Cleopatra was the last pharaoh of ancient Eqypt.
Her family was a Greek royal family, part of the Ptolemaic dynasty that ruled Eqypt after Alexander the Great died. As Ptolemies they spoke Greek and refused to learn Eqyptian. Cleopatra spoke 8 languages and was one of the few that decided to learn Eqyptian.
Born in 69bc she was 18 when her father died and she inherited his kingdom becoming Queen. She believed her mother was the goddess Isis, the egyptian goddess of magic and life and that being her daughter made her immortal and that she would end up with the gods.
She married both her brothers as was Egyptian custom but bore them not children. She also married Julius Caesar and Marc Antony. She had 4 children, one to Julius Caesar and 3 sons to Marc Antony 2 of which were twins
She once famously rolled herself up in a carpet in order to gain access to her own palace, her sisters guards had tried to prevent her from entering.
Her lover Marc Anthony commited suicide by stabbing himself with his sword after he lost the battle of Actium. Cleopatra followed and commited suicide at his tomb, killing her self by an asp bite (venemous snake) in 30BC
Elizabeth Taylor is highly remembered for her role as Cleopatra in the the 1963 film Cleopatra


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